Tuesday, August 10

Boyfriend....and his friends

Dear Kaitlyn,

  Soo, my boyfriends friend.. He is a jerk. He is telling me to give my boyfriend a handjob. And all of this stuff but thats not me, Im not like that. And my boyfriend knows that and he respects me for that and likes because of that. But when his friend was begging me basicly to do it, i was confused and i don't know what to do. I'm 13 by the way and my boyfriend said he doesn't want that but he jokes around about that stuff and he has told me he thinks we're to young and doesn't want that for a very long time, But his friend telling me this stuff has gotten me thinking "does my boyfriend want this? i mean its his friend" but his friends 15 and they aren't close. My boyfriend thinks that stuff is gross and i just i hope he loves me for me and doesn't want that stuff... He told me today he loved me for me and that i was funny and all this sweet stuff. And his skanky friends(he has other better friends those kids were just with us when we hungout because they live near the spot we hangout at) and they call me square and stuff because i won't do that stuff. And he joked around about that.. And called me square but he said he was just kidding.. and tonight he made a joke about a me giving him a handjob anytime soon and then his friend started talking to me about it, which is why i have been thinking.. And I love him but if he wants that from me then i'm not going to stay with him, i don't know what to do, im scared.. Also, he apoligized to me tonight about his so called friends calling me square.. Just im not sure what i should do...


                                                                                           Hopeless and Confused 

Dear Hopeless and Confused,

Oh guys these days are very strange. I am 19 and when I was your age, my friend Dylan told me he doesn't want that stuff now, he said we are young like that is just weird, but Dylan still joked around with his friends and about it because well no guy wants a bad rep. I think your boyfriend is like Dylan in a way. I think you should stay with him, because he is respecting your choice, he has not asked yet, and probley wont anytime soon, with the way it seems. As far as his friends, there going to mess with you, and unfortantly in middle school, guys are immature. Try messing around back, but don't say you will do something you won't because then you might scare your boyfriend!


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