Tuesday, August 10

I want to be his friend.

Dear Kaitlyn,
There is this guy that goes to my tutoring thing and I have no idea how to strike up a conversation with him- it's really awkward because its so quiet and everyone is working and stuff.
Last term he had a friend who I sort of made friends with. He used to look at me and talk to me heaps, but his friend (the one in my class now) never even once looked at me or tried talking to me.
I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm dumb (which I'm not) and that's putting him off. I'm not interested in him, I just think it would be nice if we could be friends, and I have no idea how to start talking to him without weirding him out- I can't tell if hes snobby or shy (but he seems really outgoing when talking to the teacher), but he has never once looked at me and when I walk in or say stuff he always acts like I'm not there (I'm not trying to get his attention, but you know how if someone walks in or says stuff you usually turn around to see who it is/who's talking etc).
now I think about it, he hasn't talked to anyone except the teacher and his friend that used to be in our class. 
I just don't know what to say to him without it sounding weird. I don't know anything about him apart from the fact he plays football. And because its so quiet if you start talking to someone pretty much everyone else in the room starts listening and its like theyre going ooooh someones talking what are they talking about oooh lets listen.
I'm also pretty sure I've come off as quite a grumpy person, because whenever I'm there I never want to be there (its like extra school, but more like extension stuff). How can I 'redeem' myself?
I guess I'm worried he'll give me one word answer or not want to talk, but I suppose then it doesn't matter- I'd be the one making the effort and it doesn't bother me if he's not interested, because I'm not. But I still think it would be cool if we were friends...

Dear anonymous,

I think that what you should do is maybe one day you could say "Hey, do you think you could help me with this problem?" and from there on out just kinda talk to him, because starting with something little can break tension. When you start talking to him you could say "Hey, weren't you friends with _____?" When he replies, you can say " Oh thats cool, I use to be friends with him too!" 

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